Friday 15 August 2008

beginings part 2

So anyway where was i oh yeah , so my fiance starts work at reception which you would assume would be a good thing meaning we would get to see each other a lot more, for most people that might actually be true but you ve never actually had to stay with me i seem to rub people the wrong way after a very short time, and unbeknownst to me being a male of the species turns out that there s already more problems than i realised in our relationship or as i like to call them fault lines ready to destroy San Fransisco, anyway so about two maybe three months into the season she falls for some one else and this leads to her finally admitting that she just doesn t feel the way she used to about me (and San Fransisco falls) needless to say i dont handle it too well i ve still got the scars to prove it so i now have no where to stay forced to take a few weeks off work at least till the bandages come off luckily my big sis steps in at this point and i stay with her and her family for a few months till i get a flat of my own (first flatmate moves out after i ve been there a month)so unemployed again struggling to eat most days its about this time that i find out my best friend needs some where to stay lets just call him i dont know OK psycho for now. Psycho moves in and for a while life is good i get to see Lewis at least once a week me and psycho are pretty much rat arsed every day it was around this time that i met the mother of my daughter . me psycho and our other flatmate we ll call him smokey were in our local pub i was skint so they were drinking i was on cola when we noticed two females sitting on there own we all agreed that they were hot but me being sober i never had the confidence to talk to them so i went back home and smokey and psycho moved in on them we ll call them girl one and girl two(to be continued)

Thursday 14 August 2008


Well my name is colin brown im the loving father of two , lewis 6 and emily 1 i suppose i better explain how i ended up in the state i am now. I have never really had a proper job doing mainly seasonal work at the local holiday camp not as much fun as you d imagine , been to college twice failed both times now that might make you think im a bit thick giving the fact that the percentage of children leaving primary school not being able to read is going up but at the same time so is the exam pass rate? first time i went to college i was on the new deal scheme by the jobcentre and as such i was allowed 10 days off during the entire course which obviously i had in the first month so funding was withdrawn and it was back to signing on. skip forward a couple of years and still no employment opportunity's and now my first child is on the way so i decide to try the course again but this time as a proper bursary funded student. The day before the course started my son Lewis was born so you can imagine how difficult the first few months of college were not being able to get a decent nights sleep but still i managed to do my work in class. the reason i failed that time was i didn t have access to a computer outside of the college which is a bit of a disadvantage when your doing a computing course so a year down the line deadlines caught up with me and i never completed my programming project which was 40% of the final award. things finally took a turn for the better about a year later when i landed my first job as an arcade attendant at Craig Tara holiday camp but as mentioned before this is a seasonal job so come November im unemployed again start again in march but this time my fiance starts with me working in the reception and this is where my troubles really begin(and i ll finish this later)